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Need help getting started with XPages? This guide provides links to overview content, videos, tutorials, and other content that will get you up to speed quickly.
Introduction to XPages
New to Domino Designer and XPages?
XPages straight up
This DeveloperWorks article provides information for using JavaScript™ to create, view, edit, and remove documents in an IBM® Lotus® Domino® application. It also provides a general introduction to JavaScript in XPages and shows you where and how to attach JavaScript in the XPages user interface.
Experienced with Domino Designer but new to XPages?
High level introduction of XPages
This article is part of the
Buiilding Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1 redwiki. It introduces experienced developers to the benefits of XPages and demonstrates the use of XPage features and elements.
Creating an application
Demonstration: Creating a simple XPages application
This video demonstrates how to create a simple XPages Web application in Domino Designer 8.5 from start to finish. Using Lotus Domino Designer 8.5, we will create a Lotus Domino XPage web application that utilizes advanced Web 2.0 technology, and explain what we are doing it along the way. This step by step demonstration will highlight many of the application development improvements for Lotus Domino 8.5. See how you can develop with Domino Designer and XPages. We will explore AJAX, Script Libraries, DoJo and custom controls. Note that this video also contains audio.
Tutorial: Introduction to XPages
This tutorial is designed as an introduction to Lotus Domino's XPage functionality. As you step through the exercises, you will learn how to create a basic XPage application, add data validation, use the Java perspective in Domino Designer, learn about themes, and use functions. Note that this tutorial contains 26 exercises and may take several hours to complete.
Key concepts
Video: Working with XPages View Controls
This video explores several built-in features of XPages View Controls, including: adding a view title, setting maximum rows per page, creating row links and adding a select all check box.
Video: How to create a custom control and use it on an XPage
This video explores several built-in features of XPages View Controls, including: adding a view title, setting maximum rows per page, creating row links and adding a select all check box.
Data binding in an XPage using the Data Palette
The objective of this video is to get users familiar with data binding and especially data binding via the Data Palette Eclipse view.
The attached presentation includes CSS basics and frameworks, using themes, and using XPages on mobile devices.
This sample application is a web based IBM Lotus Domino R8.5 application used to demonstrate many aspects of the new XPages technology. Launched via a web browser, the user can navigate through the provided links menu and see how many of the XPages features might work on a real application.
This article introduces a simple CRM application for managing sales leads for the fictional Zeta Bank company. It explains why XPages was selected as the appropriate technology to create a compelling web application on a Domino base and includes application design, highlighting some of the key concepts used to make this application compelling, functional, and efficient.
This object map presents the Domino Objects for XPages as a hierarchy and provides links to the documentation.